joi, 28 martie 2013

One Direction's Niall Horan cuts a dapper figure at his brother's wedding as fans turn up to wish the happy couple well

One Direction's Niall Horan cuts a dapper figure at his brother's wedding as fans turn up to wish the happy couple well


He's one fifth of the world's biggest boyband and has had to stand up in front of crowds that total in the thousands.
But on Wednesday, One Direction's Niall Horan took on his biggest gig as he stood watch at the altar as his older brother Greg got married.Taking on the role of the best man, the 19-year-old looked extremely dapper in a three-piece suit as he emerged from St Michael's Church in Castletown Geoghegan in County Westmeath, Ireland
He scrubs up well: One Direction's Niall Horan cut a dapper figure on Wednesday as he attended his brother's wedding in Ireland
Here comes the bride: Niall provided his older brother with the support he needed on his big day
Blond Niall used wax to keep his hair up in its signature quiffed style as he donned a black suit with a white shirt and candy pink striped tie.
On arrival to the church Horan was seen in extremely good spirits as he stuck his head out of his Range Rover and greeted One Direction fans who had showed up to wish the couple well.
Despite the cold weather, Niall made sure to make his way over to fans once the ceremony was over and handed out a few autographs and hugs.

Just married: Greg Horan beamed as he stood with his new wife Denise Kelly at St Michael's Church in Castletown Geoghegan in County Westmeath

Here comes the bride: Niall provided his older brother with the support he needed on his big day
Blond Niall used wax to keep his hair up in its signature quiffed style as he donned a black suit with a white shirt and candy pink striped tie.
On arrival to the church Horan was seen in extremely good spirits as he stuck his head out of his Range Rover and greeted One Direction fans who had showed up to wish the couple well.
Despite the cold weather, Niall made sure to make his way over to fans once the ceremony was over and handed out a few autographs and hugs.

Taking his role very seriously: Niall was seen arriving at the church in his Range Rover with his 25-year-old brother.

In good spirits: The 19-year-old heartthrob cheered behind the wheel as he greeted fans
Cool and confident: Niall used what looked to be super-hold wax to keep his blond locks up in a quiff

Are the nerves setting in? Niall looked a little anxious as he got closer to the driveway of the church

Still in the spotlight: Several One Direction fans and members of the paparazzi showed up to the family event

'There was never any other choice for my best man than Niall': The Horan boys stood watch as they waited for Denise's arrival
Speaking to the Irish Sun, Greg revealed that Niall had been taking on his role as best man very seriously - especially his speech.
He said: 'He has been working on the speech as far as I know so we will see how that goes.
'He’s my only brother — there was never any other choice for my best man than Niall.'
The wedding crashers! Niall's fans armed themselves with CDs and cameras

Time to party! Niall kept his head down as he exited the church with members of his family

 Looking good: The What Makes You Beautiful singer wore a three-piece suit with a pair of patent shoes

Feeling broody? Niall held a little girl in his arms as he made his way over to his admirers
The 25-year-old also told how he had invited Niall's bandmates Zayn Malik, Liam Payne, Harry Styles, and Louis Tomlinson to the wedding but none had RSVP'd to the big day.
Greg's blushing bride, Denise Kelly wore an ivory strapless dress which featured swirl detail.
Wearing her blonde hair back in updo, the newest addition to the Horan family finished her look with a floor-length organza veil, as she clutched onto a bouquet made up of pink and purple flowers. 

'You may kiss the bride': The newlyweds shared an embrace as they stood on the steps in front of the church

Ready for the next chapter: Greg revealed that he had invited Niall's bandmates to the wedding

Beautiful: The blushing bride Denise wore an ivory gown with a floor length veil 

Mr and Mrs Horan: Greg and Denise beamed as they headed to their reception venue

miercuri, 27 martie 2013

Inna cântă cu accent molodovenesc alături de Carla’s Dream

Inna cântă cu accent molodovenesc alături de Carla’s Dream

Iată că Inna se încăpăţânează să nu stea degeaba. Cum albumul proaspăt încă nu beneficiază de promovare maximă Inna s-a alăturat proiectului Carla’s Dream şi au înregistrat împreună piesa “P.O.H.U.I”.
Inna îşi spune versurile cu un accent moldovenesc puternic, lucru ce a stârnit multe zâmbete. Colaborarea a primit şi mustrări, ba că tot ceea ce înseamnă Carla’s Dream n-ar fi trebuit să colaboreze cu Inna, ba că sunt prea multe rusisme în piesă (cea care era tare supărată folosea foarte multe englezisme :p)  bă că versurile sunt obscene…şi tot felul de românisme, până la urmă.
Am constat că au schimbat puţin versurile pentru varianta cu Inna. În versiunea originală era “Stresată de ştiri şi despărţiri din seriale, de curve şi gay, de macho holtei şi www cu fete goale ” care s-a transformat în “Stresată de ştiri şi despărţiri din seriale, de fiţele ei, de macho holtei şi www cu fete goale.
Mie îmi place piesa şi sper ca Inna să prindă curaj pentru mai multe astfel de colaborări.
Din ce am înţeles, a-i fi (cuiva) pohui = a-i fi (cuiva) în p**ă/totuna/indiferent,  a sta pi galeac = a nu avea nimic/bani şi
diprisneac = stare de proastă dispoziţie.
Voi ce părere aveţi despre această colaborare? Dar despre lookul Innei?

Lady Gaga a ieşit la plimbare


Lady Gaga a ieşit la plimbare

Deşi Lady Gaga a fost operată recent iată că nu poate sta departe şi trebuie să-şi hranescă al său “fame monster”. Artista a fost zărită zilele trecute pe străzile din New York într-un cărucior cu rotile. Nu vă închipuiţi că mica ieşire a fost o urgenţă ce trebuia neapărat rezolvată atunci. Cel mai probabil a ieşit pentru a-şi linişti fanii şi pentru a face un “fashion statement”, cum zice englezu’.
Lady Gaga s-a afişat într-un cărucior de divă(făcut special pentru ea de un designer), placat cu aur de 24 de karate şi cu multă piele neagră(spătar şi mânere). S-a dorit ca scaunul să semene cu un tron, pentru a se potrivi stilului Găguţei.
Acest lucru a înfuriat destul de multe persoane, acestea considerând că este fiţoasă şi arogantă, dar fanii i-au fost alături şi i-au salutat alegerea.
Voi ce spuneţi: aroganţă sau  ”that’s so Gaga”?
Eu cred ca este prea de tot

marți, 26 martie 2013


Buna, eu sunt Alexandra si de astazi o sa ma apuc sa fac un blog.

Sunt mai noua in lumea acesta a blogurilor.

O sa postez poze si diferite povesti. :)